Latest Custom Robots.txt file settings in Blogger for SEO

Custom Robots.txt for blogger
Today I will show you How to Enable Custom Robot.txt File in Blogger for better SEO and search engine results?

Blogger now lets you edit your blog's robots.txt file. What are Robots.txt files, robots files are plain text files which instruct the search engines what to not index. Robot.txt is a way to tell search engines whether they are allow to index a page in the search result or not. The bots are automatic, and before they could access your site, they check the Robot.txt file to make sure whether they are allowed to crawl this page or not.

How to Enable Custom Robots.txt in Blogger

1. Blogger Dashboard >> Select Blog >> Select Settings tab >> Search Preferences


2. Click on Edit in front of Custom robots.txt
3. Click on Yes and proceed to next step.
3. Next a box comes up and paste following given code.

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
4. and finally click on Save Changes button to save code.

I hope this tip would help you. If you are having any issue regarding crawling then, feel free to leave your questions in the comments below and I would try to help you in solving them.

How to Open multiple links by a single click

Hello fellow Bloggers. A reader just asked about opening more than 1 link by clicking a link. I am presenting down the html code for that. You can open as many links by clicking single anchor text link. All the links will open in new tabs.

To open link in new tab

A regular link can be opened in new tab. Just place target='_blank' after the URL.
Like this
<a href="URL link" target="_blank">Text to Display</a>

To open multiple links in new tabs

To open more than one links just add the following code

Your link html will look like this
<a href="1st Link" onclick=";2nd_Link&quot;);">Link Text</a> 

Just take this example Blogger SEO by UK . This link will open our homepage in current tab and 2nd link in new tab. But the text shown is one for both link tabs. Down is the html code.
<a href="" onclick=";;);">Blogger SEO by UK</a> 

You can add as many links as you like with this code.
Hope its clear for all the readers. Have a good day!

How To Make Extra Money With Infolinks

How To Make Money With Infolinks
Make money with infolinks. Infolink is a online advertising company. Infolinks is one the best advertising platform after Google ad-sense for make money online. If you have a blog or website infolinks is the best for make money using text advertising ads, you no need to have any additional space for use it.

You can earn money very easily if you have good number of visitors then you just signup infolinks and start money earning. You can log-in this site as a publisher and advertiser. Basically blog and website owner use publisher account. Advertiser account use different type of organization for advertising online to selling their product and services via infolinks.

How To Earn Money With Infolinks

Infolinks provides you link ads within text content as well as pop up ads and link units. If you have some text over your website/blog then It will easily accept your site into their network and you’ll start making money online today. The earning is all depends on your traffic and visitors, the more visitors you have the more you’ll earn. Moreover, you can add as many sites as you want to Infolinks account.

Infolinks Criteria: 

Your site must have text content
Your site must comply with Infolinks policies
Your site must have original content

How to add my site with Infolinks

At 1st you join infolinks as a publisher then click your account like under the screen shot, and add your site. Infolinks take some time to approval your site for advertising.

After approval your site then you just integrate your blog or website for advertising text ads in your blog or website post. You can integrate very simply just click integrate then select your site type and copy the integration code and paste this code in your blog or website template just before </body> tag option. Now see the screen shot how to integrate your site with infolinks.

How to Integrate your site with Infolinks

When integration complete then you also use customize  option. Infolinks permits you to modify the actions of the Infolinks script on your Blog or web pages. By using the Advanced Integration Wizard, you can simply modify the configurations of your account to completely maximize your revenues with Infolinks ads. Now See under the screen shot how look
text ads.

Use Infolinks Affiliate Program for money making

Do you know infolinks affiliate program? In my view many blog or website owner don't know the infolinks affiliate program, because infolinks was not showing any information in Infolinks website about there affiliate program. Now if you like to use affiliate program then you must have an active publisher account. If you have active publisher account then you can see a tab in your infolinks account.You can earn money by infolinks publisher referral program.

The new publisher referral program is plain and simple: Refer new publishers to Infolinks and earn 10% of their revenue for 12 months.

As part of the new program, each Infolinks publisher has his own personal referral tab where you can get your own unique referral URL, see real-time sites sign up reporting as well as download a large amount of engaging banners to place on your site.

Join Infolinks here !

SEO Meta Tags for Every Post in Blogger

SEO Meta Tags for Blogger Post
SEO Meta Tags are most important and useful for our blog's SEO. Meta tags are added to tell search engines what that page is all about. Most important meta tags are the Title and Description of a page. Only these two tags are included in search engines results with site link obviously. As blogs and sites have more than one pages i.e., a blogger blog normally have following pages. Blog home page , post pages, static pages, Labels and archives.

So we cannot use same meta tags for all our pages. Because every page have different content with unique Title and Description. So it is our duty to add different meta tags that perfectly defines our pages to the Search Engines if we want to rank high in the search results.

If we use same meta tags to all of our blog posts, our blog search engine rankings and traffic will be decreased. But, if we add different unique meta tags to different Blog posts, it will make the search engines to know more about our individual blog posts and make them crawl and index our pages better and it also improves our Search engine rankings for sure :)

Well this is the importance of unique meta tags for unique pages. Now lets learn about adding them in your site.

Add Meta Tags for Every Post in Blogger

There are many ways to do this. I'll write each step but the first one is my favourite and I recommend you to apply this method.

Step 1.  Change your blogger settings

Login to Blogger Dashboard >> Select Blog >> Select Settings tab >> Search Preferences

Now Enable search description to Yes.

Write your blog description in the box, it should be limited to 150 characters. Click on Save Changes Button.

Now whenever you create a new post, there will be option for Search Description on the right side. You can write a brief description of every post you are writing. 
(This option will be visible after changing search description setting to “Yes” as described above).

Now we just have to add following code in HTML to add these in our blog.

Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Click Template tab >> Click Edit HTML

Find the following code [Tip: Ctrl+F]
After/under this line paste the following code.
           <!-- Meta Tags ~  -->
 <b:if cond='data:blog.metaDescription != &quot;&quot;'>
<meta expr:content='data:blog.metaDescription' name='description'/>
 <title><data:blog.pageName/> - <data:blog.pageTitle/></title>
               <!-- /Meta Tags ~  -->
Now Save Template. Your blog posts will now have Title and Description that you wrote while creating your post.

Step 2. Add blogger pages HTML codes

This step is a little tricky. Why? Because you have to add the HTML codes of blogger pages one by one. Just see the code below that can be used to add meta tag for your blog home page URL.

Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Click Template tab >> Click Edit HTML
Find the following code [Tip: Ctrl+F]
After/under this line paste the following code.
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == data:blog.homepageUrl'>
 <meta content='Your Blog Description' name='description'/>
<title>Your Blog Title</title> </b:if>
Your blog homepage will now have Title and Description that you wrote in this code in place of RED color. Now Save Template. 
You can add other page codes as well see full codes here HTML codes for all blogger pages

Step 3. Add meta tags with URLs

You can add meta tags with specific URLs as well. Just write your desires URL and give that URL specific Title and Description. 

Go to Blogger Dashboard >> Click Template tab >> Click Edit HTML
Find the following code [Tip: Ctrl+F]
After/under this line paste the following code.
<b:if cond='data:blog.url == &quot;Write URL of page&quot;'>
 <meta content='Your page Description' name='description'/>
<title>Your page Title</title> </b:if>
Your blog page will now have Title and Description that you wrote in this code in place of RED color. Now Save Template.

Remember some points

1. Apply only one method. Because writing multiple tags will be of no use. 
2. Google and all other Search Engine Bots only take those meta tags in their system which come on top the site i.e., if you have multiple title tags then only one title will be taken by bots which in on the most top.
3. You can see your HTML code by pressing [CTRL + U] , just open your blog link and press CTRL + U this will open your blogs page source. and your html site will open.

Need any assistance, don't hesitate to comment down. Have a good day!

Use stylish Mouse Pointers in Blogger/Blogspot

use Mouse Cursor in Blogger
Hello Friends, in today's tutorial I am going to tell you how to install a beautiful mouse cursor in your blogger blog with a very simple HTML code. Make your blog look beautiful with stylish mouse cursor and back to top button.

Mouse Cursor:

In computing, a pointer or mouse cursor (as part of a personal computer WIMP style of interaction) is a graphical image on the computer monitor or other display device. The pointer echoes movements of the pointing device, commonly a mouse or touchpad, and signals the point where actions of the user take place. It can be used to select and move other graphical user interface elements, and is distinct from the cursor, which responds to keyboard input. The cursor may also be repositioned using the pointer.
You would also like to add:  Emotion Smileys for Blogger Comments

Mostly people, especially new blogger want to make their blog more beautiful and shiny. There are many tricks have been shared on the internet about this issue. But the one I'm going to share, is the easiest method to add a mouse cursor in your blog. Let's now come straight to the solution.

How To Change Mouse Cursor In Blogger

Follow the steps below to do this

  • Log-in to your blog
  • Template >> HTML >> Proceed
  • Search For this code ]]></b:skin> (tip: Use CTRL+F)
  • Now Just above/before ]]></b:skin> insert following code

cursor: url(IMAGE LINK), auto;
Now Save your template and view your blog.
Replace IMAGE LINK with the image link of your mouse pointer image.

Tell me in comments if this worked for you. In case of any error comment down I will try to solve your problem. Have a good day ahead!

Add Emoticons Smileys in Blogger Comments

Add Smileys in Blogger Comments
Emoticons/Smileys are a great way of making discussions more interesting and fun, so it's a pity that Blogger don't support them. In this tutorial, I will show you some simple steps on how to add some very cool emoticons called Kolobok to your Blogger/Blogspot comments, so that you and your blog visitors will be able to have an enjoyable time together.

UPDATE: Now available for threaded commenting system too!

How To Add Kolobok Smileys Emotions to Blogger Comments
Step 1.  Log in to your Blogger account and go to Template - Edit HTML

Step 2.  Click anywhere inside the code area and press the CTRL + F keys to open the search box

open the search box in blogger HTML

Step 3.  Search (CTRL + F) for this tag:

Step 4.  Copy and paste just above it, this code:

a) For previous commenting system with comments that have no reply function:
<script src='[]smileys.js' type='text/javascript'/>
b) For threaded commenting system with comments that have the reply function:
<script src=' threaded.js' type='text/javascript'/>
Note: ignore steps 5-8 if you are using threaded comments!

Step 5.  Now find this code snippet:
<b:loop values='data:post.comments' var='comment'>
Step 6.  Paste the following code just above it:
<div id='smileys'>
Step 7.  Find the following code (look carefully, it should be somewhere below the code from step 5)
Step 8.  Paste the following tag just after it:
Step 9.  Now find this code:
a) For previous commenting system:
Note: if you'll find it like 4 times, stop to the 2nd one!

b) For threaded commenting system:
<div class='post-footer-line post-footer-line-3'>

Step 10.  And add this code just after it:
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;item&quot;'><script type='text/javascript'>
function moreSmilies() {
    document.getElementById('smiley-more').style.display = 'inline';
    document.getElementById('smiley-toggle').innerHTML = '<a href="javascript:lessSmilies()"><div style="font-size:small; font-weight:bold;color:#000000;">Hide Emoticons</div></a>';
function lessSmilies() {
    document.getElementById('smiley-more').style.display = 'none';
    document.getElementById('smiley-toggle').innerHTML = '<a href="javascript:moreSmilies()"><div style="font-size:small; font-weight:bold;">Show Emoticons</div></a>';
<div class='emoticons'>
<a href="" ><img alt="Emoticons Smileys for Blogger Comments" title="Add these Smileys in your site" border="0" src="" height="20" width="100" /></a>
<span id='smiley-more' style='display: none;'>
<img src=''/>:)
<img src=''/>:(
<img src=''/>:))
<img src=''/>:((
<img src=''/>=))
<img src=''/>=D&gt;
<img src=''/>:D
<img src=''/>:P
<img src=''/>:-O
<img src=''/>:-?
<img src=''/>:-SS
<img src=''/>:-f
<img src=''/>d(
<img src=''/>:-*
<img src=''/>b-(
<img src=''/>h-(
<img src=''/>g-)
<img src=''/>5-p
<img src=''/>y-)
<img src=''/>c-)
<img src=''/>s-)
<img src=''/>d-)
<img src=''/>w-)
<img src=''/>:-h
<img src=''/>:X
<span id='smiley-toggle'><a href='javascript:moreSmilies()'><div style='font-size:small;font-weight:bold;'>Show Emoticons <img src=''/></div></a></span>
Note: Ignore steps 11-12 if you are using threaded comments!

Step 11.  Finally, find this code
Step 12.  Add this one below, just above ]]></b:skin>
.emoticons {-moz-background-clip: -moz-initial;-moz-background-origin: -moz-initial;-moz-background-inline-policy: -moz-initial;text-align: left;width:400px;}
.emoticons a, .emoticons a:hover {margin-left: 20px;text-decoration:none;}
Note: if you want to change the size of the emoticon container, edit the red code.

Step 13.  Save the Template and you're done. Enjoy!