Latest Custom Robots.txt file settings in Blogger for SEO

Today I will show you How to Enable Custom Robot.txt File in Blogger for better SEO and search engine results? Blogger now lets you edit your blog's robots.txt file. What are Robots.txt files, robots files are plain text files which instruct the search engines what to not index. Robot.txt is a way to tell search engines whether...

How to Open multiple links by a single click

Hello fellow Bloggers. A reader just asked about opening more than 1 link by clicking a link. I am presenting down the html code for that. You can open as many links by clicking single anchor text link. All the links will open in new tabs. To open link in new tab A regular link can be opened in new tab. Just place target='_blank' after the URL. Like this <a href="URL link" target="_blank">Text to Display</a> To open multiple links...

How To Make Extra Money With Infolinks

Make money with infolinks. Infolink is a online advertising company. Infolinks is one the best advertising platform after Google ad-sense for make money online. If you have a blog or website infolinks is the best for make money using text advertising ads, you no need to have any additional space for use it. You can earn money...

SEO Meta Tags for Every Post in Blogger

SEO Meta Tags are most important and useful for our blog's SEO. Meta tags are added to tell search engines what that page is all about. Most important meta tags are the Title and Description of a page. Only these two tags are included in search engines results with site link obviously. As blogs and sites have more than one...

Use stylish Mouse Pointers in Blogger/Blogspot

Hello Friends, in today's tutorial I am going to tell you how to install a beautiful mouse cursor in your blogger blog with a very simple HTML code. Make your blog look beautiful with stylish mouse cursor and back to top button. Mouse Cursor: In computing, a pointer or mouse cursor (as part of a personal computer WIMP style...

Add Emoticons Smileys in Blogger Comments

Emoticons/Smileys are a great way of making discussions more interesting and fun, so it's a pity that Blogger don't support them. In this tutorial, I will show you some simple steps on how to add some very cool emoticons called Kolobok to your Blogger/Blogspot comments, so that you and your blog visitors will be able to have...