How to Open multiple links by a single click

Hello fellow Bloggers. A reader just asked about opening more than 1 link by clicking a link. I am presenting down the html code for that. You can open as many links by clicking single anchor text link. All the links will open in new tabs. To open link in new tab A regular link can be opened in new tab. Just place target='_blank' after the URL. Like this <a href="URL link" target="_blank">Text to Display</a> To open multiple links...

How To Make Extra Money With Infolinks

Make money with infolinks. Infolink is a online advertising company. Infolinks is one the best advertising platform after Google ad-sense for make money online. If you have a blog or website infolinks is the best for make money using text advertising ads, you no need to have any additional space for use it. You can earn money...