Custom Robots.txt file for Blogger/Blogspot blogs for SEO

Custom Robots.txt for blogger
Today I will show you How to Enable Custom Robot.txt File in Blogger for better SEO and search engine results?

Blogger now lets you edit your blog's robots.txt file. What are Robots.txt files, robots files are plain text files which instruct the search engines what to not index. Robot.txt is a way to tell search engines whether they are allow to index a page in the search result or not. The bots are automatic, and before they could access your site, they check the Robot.txt file to make sure whether they are allowed to crawl this page or not.

How to Enable Custom Robots.txt in Blogger

1. Blogger Dashboard >> Select Blog >> Select Settings tab >> Search Preferences


2. Click on Edit in front of Custom robots.txt
3. Click on Yes and proceed to next step.
3. Next a box comes up and paste following given code.

User-agent: Mediapartners-Google

User-agent: *
Disallow: /search
Allow: /
4. and finally click on Save Changes button to save code.

I hope this tip would help you. If you are having any issue regarding crawling then, feel free to leave your questions in the comments below and I would try to help you in solving them.

How to remove Blogger Navigation Bar?

Blogger Navigation Bar

In every blog there is a blogger default navigation bar (nav bar) of the above style. This nav bar make your blog look less professional. These navigation bars can be removed using a simple CSS one line code.

Also read: Remove Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) Link on Blogger

Removing Blogger Deafult Nav Bar

Apply these steps to remove the Blogger Navigation bar / Blogger Nav Bar.

  • Log-in to your blog
  • Template >> HTML >> Proceed
  • Search For this code  ]]></b:skin>   (tip: Use CTRL+F)
  • Now Just above/before  ]]></b:skin>   insert following code

#navbar-iframe,#navbar { display: none !important; }

Save your template and view your blog. Blogger Navigation Bar will no longer be there.

Add SEO Meta Tags (Title and Description) in Blogger

SEO Meta Tags:

SEO Meta Tags:

Meta tags is a important things for SEO (Search Engine Optimization). The <meta> tag provides metadata about the HTML document. Meta tags will not be displayed on the page, but will be machine parsable. Meta elements are typically used to specify page description, keywords, author of the document, last modified, and other metadata. The metadata can be used by browsers (how to display content or reload page), search engines (keywords), or other web services. Google bots read meta tags of a site or blog and give these tags (title,keywords and description) information to google search engine, according to these tags your blog is showed in google search engine results pages (SERP's).

Meta Tags are most important and most useful for our blog's SEO. Also see updated post on Meta Tags

Put SEO Meta Tags in Blogger Template

Learn how to put Meta Tags in blogger template for better ranking in search engine results with easy steps.

Step 1.
Login to Blogger >> Go to Dashboard >> Template >> Edit Html

Step 2.
Find the following code [Tip: Ctrl+F]
This will be mostly on the main page of the template coding.

Step 3.
After/under this line paste the following code.
           <!-- Meta Tags ~  -->
 <meta content='Your Blog Description' name='description'/>
 <meta content='Keyword1,Keyword2,Keyword3' name='keywords'/>
 <meta content='Author Name' name='Author'/>
 <meta content='Author Email Address' name='Email'/>
 <meta content='all' name='robots'/>
 <meta content='index, follow' name='robots'/>
 <meta content='Language Name' name='language'/>
 <meta content='Country Name' name='country'/>
 <meta content='blogger' name='generator'/>
               <!-- /Meta Tags ~  -->

Step 4.
Change red color bolded text according to your choice.

Note:  write keywords in separate commas  i.e., write comma after every word.

Step 5.
Now save your template and you are done, your blog is optimized for SEO and Google will show your site/blog in search results

SEO Meta Tags in Google Search Engine Results Pages

Your Blog's Title and Description Tag will look like this in Google Search.

Title and Description Meta Tags