Highlight Author Comments in Blogger websites with CSS

Hi friends, you surely have seen on many blogs and websites whenever an Admin of the blog or website make a reply to your comments, its comment's color and style is changed from other comments. These admin styled Comments are the best way to make good relationship with blog visitors or Followers. So do you have a blog and your...

Install Scrolling "Back To Top" Button for Blogger/Blogspot

You surely have seen on many blogs and websites a  "Back To Top" Button in the sidebar at the bottom of the page that shows an image when clicked, it takes the user to top of your blog website. Animated back to top button in blogger website is one of the best Jquery style animated widget that looks good and also visitors...

Add Floating Sliding Facebook LikeBox Widget in Blogger

Blogging has become a trend now a days online. Every blogger want there blog attractive and stylish so they always add new and more beautiful widgets in there blogs.Today I am going to share a very easy and simple way to put a sliding Facebook like box which is called Sliding Facebook Like Box or Floating Facebook Like Box.The...